Bare Root Nut Trees & Shrubs

Bear Protein

BearFruit Nursery is a family-run farm that specializes in growing bare root perennial nut trees. Create abundance for your family, livestock, and food plots with cold-hardy nut bearing trees and shrubs.
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Create a Protein-Rich Food Forest

Design a Nut-Based Food Forest Guild

Fruit tree food forest guilds certainly provide seasonal delicious snacks, but we also like to encourage property owners to invest in their health, wildlife health, livestock health and their land long-term. Nut trees are a great way to provide the fats and proteins on the landscape that fruit just can't. Hybrid Chestnuts are a great nut tree to start with and can potentially generate yields in as little as five years.
Shop Chestnuts

Grow Native Nut Trees

Plant Edible Native North American Nut Trees

Our lineup of cold-hardy native North American nut trees and shrubs include Northern Pecans, Black Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Shagbark Hickories, and more.
Shop Pecans

Design Perennial Nut Food Plots

Plant Nut Trees to Attract Wildlife

Hardy fall-dropping nut crops like Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, and Hickories can entice Deer, Turkey, and other wild game each season. Keep them happy, healthy and on your property by planting a variety of perennial nut trees.
Shop Hazelnuts
Naturally Grown Cold Hardy Plants
At BearFruit Nursery we are driven by our passion to steward our land in a manner that allows us to care for people and generate abundant harvests. We never use pesticides or herbicides on our plants. Our inputs include locally sourced wood chip mulch and grass mulch, leaf mulch, and compost that we collect on our site. We grow our plants outside in the ground or in raised beds.
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