Bare Root Fruit Trees & Shrubs

Bear Fruity Abundance

BearFruit Nursery is a family-run farm that specializes in growing bare root perennial fruit trees and berry shrubs. Create abundance for your family, livestock, and food plots with a variety cold-hardy fruiting trees and shrubs.
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Create an Abundant Food Forest

Design a Food Forest for Sun or Shade

Provide seasonal delicious snacks for your health, wildlife health and livestock health. Pawpaws are great choice as an understory or overstory tree for food forest designs. Pawpaws can thrive in full sun or full shade and are a great choice for wet areas.
Shop Pawpaws

Grow Native Fruit Trees & Shrubs

Plant Edible Native North American Fruits

Native to North America; Elderberries are a great choice to support native wildlife serving as both a pollinator attractor and food source. Elderberries also provide great medicine and immune support for human health.
Shop Elderberries

Design Perennial Fruiting Food Plots

Plant Fruit Trees to Attract Wildlife

Plant native American Persimmon trees to grow fall treats for family & wildlife. Enjoy the foliage while creating a perennial late-drop food plot for deer & turkey.
Shop Persimmons
Naturally Grown Cold Hardy Plants
At BearFruit Nursery we are driven by our passion to steward our land in a manner that allows us to care for people and generate abundant harvests. We never use pesticides or herbicides on our plants. Our inputs include locally sourced wood chip mulch and grass mulch, leaf mulch, and compost that we collect on our site. We grow our plants outside in the ground or in raised beds.
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